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To ReFabricate and rehab homes that have seen better days; To repurpose instead of replace; To improve neighborhoods one house at a time.

Our Community

To provide the people in the communities we serve with home solutions when they are faced with challenging circumstances that need prompt resolution.

Our Employees

To provide an open and honest environment for our employees where diversity and ideas for improvement are welcome and necessary!  We offer an exciting and dynamic work environment as well as a real estate investment training program.

Our Investors

Our goal is simple – “Twenty in Ten”.  To return at or above market ROI each year and to achieve $20 million in Real Estate holdings in 10 years.



  • Respect: Treat everyone with integrity and be transparent!
  • Excellence: Deliver top notch products and services!
  • Fairness & Honesty:  Always do the right thing!
  • Accountability: Take ownership in all that we do!
  • Brilliance: Be experts in the field and connect creative minds!



Refabricate. Our goal is to refab homes to their original beauty. ReFab Home Solutions not only rejuvenates and revitalizes homes, but enhances the quality of neighborhoods.

Educate.  It is our goal to educate home owners on their options when it comes to selling their home or inherited property.  Investors like us are a viable option that many homeowners do not utilize for one reason or another.  ReFab Home Solutions can buy your home in cash resulting in a much faster and less expensive real estate transaction.

Financial Responsibility. We strive to create financial win-win opportunities for our customers, employees, investors and partners.  ReFab Home Solutions is committed to conduct business with the highest integrity to meet deadlines and reward our team on high performance

Assist.  Along the way, “life happens.” People grow old, become ill, couples part ways, lose their jobs, and the cost of up keeping a home becomes an expense some cannot afford.  ReFab Home Solutions strives to assist people in transitioning to the next stage of their life. We can alleviate homeowners’ stress through relocation services, finding temporary housing, and providing guidance to federal and state service programs.

Building Relationships. Relationships with our customers, contractors, lenders, and partners are the foundation of our existence.  ReFab Home Solutions has dedicated owners and team members that foster relationships through communication, collaboration, creativity and commitment.


Give us a call today at 978-451-4511 to let us know what YOU need help with!

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